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Stop every now

and then.

Just stop and enjoy.

Take a deep breath.

Relax and take in the abundance of life.

Here at Willow Oak Farmstead we ask you to open your mind, engage your heart and interact with Mother Nature as if She is sitting right next to you. 

What's In The Name?


The Weeping Willow is known for its wispy, ground-sweeping branches and long, slender leaves. Turning brilliant shades of gold in fall it lends itself well to planting near the edge of ponds, lakes and rivers. Reaching heights up to 100 ft. this tree is a graceful giant. 

The Weeping Willow is a feminine tree that represents dreaming and intuition. She can bring up the deep emotions and inner feelings of the heart. Yet, She brings a reminder to go with the flow, stay flexible and bend through obstacles. Her healing comes when you can allow yourself to move with the deepest sensations of the heart and find refuge in comfort of her soft and gentle branches. 

The Weeping Willow is one of Karen's favorite trees! See 

Weeping Willow

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The Mighty Oak Tree is one of the most popular shade trees in the United States. Known for their large leaves and great size these trees have standed for generations. Everyone who knows of the Oak Tree is familiar with their acorns, a generous gift to the creatures who run beneath their canopy.


The Mighty Oak is a masculine tree that represents strength and protection. The Oak shows great endurance as it stands tall and withstands the heavy winds and forces of Mother Earth. Its ability to stay sturdy and calm reminds us to stay present and to be honest with ourselves. To know when it is necessary to stand tall and strong or when to take comfort in the protection  from others. 

The Oak was one of Jim's favorite trees!  See 



Willow Oak 

The Willow Oak Tree has a similar shape to the Mighty Oak with a strong stature and stable appearance. The leaves however mimic that of the Weeping Willow, long slender leaves that turn shades of gold in the fall. The Willow Oak also takes after the Weeping Willow in its ability to withstand wet soil conditions. A harmonious blend of strength and beauty.

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The Willow Oak is a balanced blend between masculine and feminine energies. The Knowing of when to bend and allow as you move through life, as the Willow. The understanding to take a stance and act from your inner truth, as the Mighty Oak. 

Willow Oak Farmstead was the perfect name to join two entities through the love of the life they shared together. As well as a beautiful representation of the balance that Nature has to offer all around us. 

© 2018 Willow Oak Farmstead 

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